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Get more from MiVoice

An additional feature on your MiVoice app is creating a mobile wallet for a family member, or your domestic worker.

When you create a mobile wallet for a family member, you both get access to our emergency response service. If either of you then has an emergency, you can choose to get help from the closest armed response vehicle, or emergency medical services, without being charged by the service provider*. You will be charged a service fee of only R 28 per month, but your family member pays nothing! Click here to learn more. 

If you have a domestic worker, use MiVoice for better management! This service gives you the same emergency services as described above. With added services aimed at correctly managing your domestic worker, with a unique commuter insurance policy included. You will be charged R 49 per month, but your domestic worker pays nothing! Click here to learn more.

Is your employer not using MiVoice to pay out salaries? We will give them a call on your behalf. Click here to leave their contact details.

Or contact us. Click here.

MiVoice app user Buying and spending vouchers and prepaid
MiVoice app user Buying and spending vouchers and prepaid

Ready to take your salary back?

Submit your employer’s details below and we’ll contact them on your behalf!

Choose your journey

MiVoice Offers Benefits and advantages to businesses, employees and domestics, choose the best option below to learn more about benefits and how to get started below

Are you a Business Employer

Are you a Business Employee

Are you a Domestic Employer / Employee